Climb the cringe mountain.
Climb the cringe mountain. I said it. Face the looming peak of embarrassment and fear and self-doubt that has kept you hiding in the shadows too long. Far too many people avoid their dreams, afraid of being foolish or messing up, afraid someone will judge. Here is the truth: greatness will not come without discomfort. Each time you shrink back from doing something you believe in because it might make you “look bad,” you hand your potential over to fear.
Stop worrying about how perfect everything has to be. Quit hesitating in case you make a damn fool out of yourself. Success favors only those people who feel comfortable being ridiculous or awkward in front of everybody. Nobody climbs cringe mountain at the expense of fear, but rather everyone feeds upon it. This is how they know each slip or awkward moment only brings him closer to that person that he wants to be.
So, breath in, hold on tight to the discomfort, and climb. Yes, there will be moments you are going to want to wince at later. Surprise, surprise. Those badges of honor are proof of guts enough to move onward, to grow. Just get over yourself and go on. Your goals await at the top.