The world is full of obvious things which nobody ever observed

Aura Refined
4 min read1 day ago
The Art of Scott Gustafson

In the age where it has become possible to unravel all the secrets of the universe with just a click of a button, one would think that everything of note in the world has already been observed. "The world is full of obvious things which nobody ever observes," however was well said by Arthur Conan Doyle in The Hound of the Baskervilles. It continues to hold force to date as when Sherlock Holmes uttered it.

Invisible Power

How often, do we merely step through our lives in a haze of habit, missing the opportunity really to see what's happening, around us? We wake up and go about our business, in and out of bed again, having passed over thousands of wonders standing before our eyes. Obvious things hide from us not because they are invisible but because we neglect the necessary notice.

One aspect contributing to this is the brain's predisposition towards efficiency. We are fed so much information on a daily basis, and our brains, looking to save energy, focus out the things they deem inconsequential. This can include some of the more prosaic aspects of our surroundings—things that, on closer inspection, may awaken profound insights.

Hidden Wonders in Plain Sight



Aura Refined

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